良好号 Brazing alloy 化学成分(﹪) Composition(﹪) 熔化温度(℃) Melting Range(℃) 特性与应用 Principal areas of application 中国GB/T 中国JB/T 美国AWS AG Cu Zn Sn Ni 杂质总量Impurirties Total 固相线 Solidus 液相线 Liquidus Hag-56BSn 55.0-57.0 21.0-23.0 15.0-19.0 4.5-5.5 618 652 低熔点,高渗透性、韧性好、抗电蚀、用于食品等行业不锈钢钎焊。 Suited for brazing stainless steel in food and other industries with low melting point,high penetrability,good ducitility and corrosion resistance property. BAg56CuZnSn 料321 Bag-7 Hag-50B 49.0-51.0 33.0-35.0 14.0-18.0 5.8-6.7 690 775 用于电子、食品及承受振动载荷场合下材料焊接。 Used for brazing these materials under vibration load in electrical and food industries. BAg50CuZn 料304 Bag-6 Hag-50BNi 49.0-51.0 19.0-21.0 26.0-30.0 1.5-2.5 660 707 用于不锈钢钎焊,提高抗缝隙腐蚀能力。 Suited for brazing stainless steel with improved capability of resistance of crevice corrosion. Bag-24 Hag-45B 44.0-46.0 29.0-31.0 23.0-27.0 6.8-7.5 663 743 综合性能好,有优良的韧性和渗透性,常用于机电、食品及表面光洁要求较高零件的钎焊。 Used generally for brazing the part required cleanliness face in mechanical-electrical and food industries due to its perfect general features,good ductility and penetrability. BAg45CuZn 料303 Bag-5 Hag-45BSn 44.0-46.0 26.0-28.0 23.0-27.0 2.5-3.5 <0.10 645 680 同45B但溶化温度比45B低。 Lower melting point than 45B. Bag-36 Hag-40B 39.0-41.0 31.0-33.0 26.0-30.0 677 732 中度溶化范围,较佳的韧性和流动性,既经济又有好的渗透性。 Mid-level melting range,good ductility and penetrability economical. Hag-40BSn 39.0-41.0 29.0-31.0 31.0-35.0 1.5-2.5 650 710 有好的流动性,适用主失素体和非主失素体钢的焊接。 It is the fine flow-ability.it is applicable for ferrite steel and none ferrite steel welding. Bag-28 Hag-40BNi 39.0-41.0 29.0-31.0 26.0-30.0 1.5-2.5 670 780 用于不锈钢、镍基合金及碳化钨的焊接,有较好抗蚀性。 Suited for brazing stainless steel,nickel-based alloy and carbonized tungsten with good corrosion-resistance. Bag-4 Hag-35B 34.0-36.0 31.0-33.0 31.0-35.0 621 732 中等溶化温度,接头有较好韧性,可钎焊铜、铜合金、钢等材料。 Suited for brazing copper,copper alloy and steel with low melting point and good technics. Bag-35 Hag-35BSn 33.0-35.0 35.0-37.0 25.0-29.0 2.5-3.5 730 有好的流动性,适用主失素体和非主失素体钢的焊接。 It is the fine flow-ability.it is applicable for ferrite steel and none ferrite steel welding. BAg34CuZnSn Hag-30B 29.0-31.0 37.0-39.0 30.0-34.0 677 766 同35B,熔点稍高。 Same to 35B,higher melting point. Bag-20 Hag-25B 24.0-26.0 40.0-42.0 32.0-36.0 700 800 低廉的无镉钎料,有较好的润湿性和填充能力,但熔点稍高,可钎焊铜、铜合金、钢等材料。 Cheap brazing alloy without cadmium,good wetness and filling property,suited for brazing copper,copper alloy and steel with higher melting point. BAg25CuZn 料302 Hag-25BSn 24.0-26.0 39.0-41.0 31.0-35.0 1.5-2.5 680 780 无镉熔点低于25B,提高了润湿性和填充性。 Not consist of cadmium,the melting point lower than 25B,bettered wetness and filling proerty. Bag-37 Hag-18BSn 17.0-19.0 44.0-46.0 31.0-35.0 1.5-2.5 770 810 熔点较高,但无镉,价格低廉,可焊铜、钢等材料。 High melting point ,cheap price,and braze copper and steel without cadmium.